Didn’t quite get the hair you wanted last time you went to the salon?

by | Feb 5, 2020 | Hair Care

Going to the salon should be a beautiful experience for everyone involved. The client sitting in the chair should feel welcome and listened to and the stylist/colourist should enjoy providing their client with a finished result that empowers them both! There is definitely an art to communicating from in or behind the salon chair.

Too often I hear clients tell me they would like something different but their hairdresser never asks or the hairdresser can’t work out why a client isn’t happy (or over the moon even) and sometimes they’ll take to social media to vent their complaints and they don’t know where they went wrong.

It takes two to tango! However, as the one getting paid, it falls to the hairdresser to communicate in a way that ensures you both get the desired outcome so here are my biggest tips for both parties to start you on the journey to beautiful hair!

  1. NEVER assume anything!
  2. Have photos of EXACTLY what you want (in this technology age there should be no excuse for not finding a hair colour/style to refer to)
  3. Hairdressers: don’t talk technical and, clients: don’t be scared to ask what the hairdresser means if you aren’t 100% sure you understand their terminology
  4. Be sure to talk about hair hates and hair loves and how that will impact the colour/cut/maintenance
  5. Discuss the budget
  6. Discuss about what to expect for the future ie extra visits, closer together visits, home maintenance etc

Sara x

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