Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
What is a Safety Data Sheet?
A Safety Data Sheet (SDS), previously called a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), is a document that provides information on the properties of hazardous chemicals and how they affect health and safety in the workplace. For example an SDS includes information on:
- the identity of the chemical
- health and physicochemical hazards
- safe handling and storage procedures
- emergency procedures
- disposal considerations
The SDS should always be referred to when assessing risks in the workplace.
View the ME&MY Safety Data Sheets below:
Angel Magic Moisture
BB Foam
Blonde Conditioner
Blonde Shampoo
Coco Fusion Treatment
Damage Reversal Cleanser
Damage Reversal Conditioner
Kissss Controlling Gloss
Volumising Conditioner
Volumising Shampoo
Power Shot