Itchy Scalp? Could it be a seasonal flare up?

Itchy Scalp? Could it be a seasonal flare up?

After being in the hair industry for over 20 years I’ve seen it time and time again where an itchy scalp occurs for many people a few times a year, most commonly around the change of the seasons. Why is this? There are a few factors: Water temperature when shampooing...

You’re probably shampooing your hair the wrong way!!!

Did you know, you don’t actually need to shampoo your hair? However, it is vital that you clean your scalp! If your scalp is not regularly cleaned, oil builds up leading to an accumulation of dirt and bacteria. Leaving this combination of oil/dirt/bacteria on the...

Does hair “get used to” a certain shampoo?

The quick answer is no – if you’re still getting the results you want from your shampoo then keep using it!   However, what should be happening (particularly if you’re using professional shampoo and not doing anything too drastic* to your hair) is that your hair...

Why shampooing twice isn’t a money-making myth!

If it’s one thing that continually comes up in conversation when clients are having hair/scalp issues it’s that I recommend shampooing twice each time you wash your hair. This invariably causes a surprised reaction followed by the question “Really?”, yes really!...