Hair breakage: common causes and solutions

Is your hair snapping/breaking or do you have split ends galore? There are several things that cause hair to break. Some people may even think their hair is actually falling out because it can occur close to the scalp and on a large scale, dependant on the cause....

Our Conscious Environmental Choices This Christmas

Each year I offer gift sets that come in a re-usable cosmetics/toiletries bag. Why? Because I know re-usable is so much better than single use. I have done this from the conception of the business, almost 7 years ago. Way back in the beginning the environmental impact...

#glasshair , the latest hair fashion trend

One of the latest trends in hair fashion is ‘glass hair’. A quick search on Instagram will show you it’s all about shiny, glossy locks. Quick heads up – blondes, highly damaged and extremely curly hair will struggle to achieve this look and I’ll explain why further on...